12 Issues of Billboard for just $12!

Whether you’re involved in the music industry or not, you’ve likely heard of Billboard. Billboard is the music industry’s flagship media brand. With in-depth reporting, analysis, unprecedented access to the hottest new artists, world-class photography and video, plus feature exclusives, Billboard is the definitive source for music news.

The Berklee City Music Network is proud to partner with Billboard, who has played a helpful role in supporting BCMN and promoting news for the Network and its partners. Billboard has generously made bb_logopromotional offers to the Network in the past and has agreed to do so again. Starting today, Billboard is pleased to offer Berklee City Music Network Members 12 print & digital issues for only $12! Use this link to take advantage of the offer: Billboard.com/BCMN. And to get a glimpse into the kind of exciting content Billboard provides, check out their site at http://www.billboard.com/

Make sure to keep up with the Berklee City Music Blog and monthly Newsletter to continue to take advantage of amazing offers from our generous partners like Billboard!

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